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Reviews for "God$peed - Kill them all"


Hey GodSpeedIam

I wanted to drop by. You have a few new pieces, I wanted to show my support. I also forgot that you are also a capable composer :D! Whenever I thought of your name I just remember kid being beaten with a puberty stick.

First thing that comes to mind for this song.

Good choir work! Nice and subtle, and much deeper then what I usually hear (probably cuz deep choirs are so hard to find). If I am not mistaken you also have a solo female voice layered on top of the choir. It was hard to distinguish, but it was there. In either case, you must share with me where you got these choirs! Give >:(!

Lets talk abit about the mood of the song. It's dark, and tense, but in my eyes, it wasn't driving enough for a "kill them all!" kind of atmosphere. However I also recall that you work for an audio book store (or so I think), having recently scored for a radio play myself I realize that having distracting, overpowering melodies takes away from the speaker, and I can picture this with a story being told over it quite well.

I would also think perhaps a change of instruments. The piano I did not think conveyed enough anger. Perhaps play some chords on that piano way low on the octave scale, some louder brass in the background. Some more distinguished snares maybe?

Regardless, it was quite enjoyable. I was also thinking organ, but this worked great too. 5/5 from me GodSpeedIam, really glad to see you still submitting every once in a while, keep me up to date.

I'd like you to check out some of my new stuff sometime, thanks for your time ^^.

Great piece.

I loved this in Detective Grimoire. Reviewing music is hard so I'm just gonna say great job!

As for DuMp-HeRe, his review is retarded. He gave you constructive criticism, but then just gave you a 0. I really hate it when the majority of people give stuff 10s and 0s without putting any real thought into it. It's not reviewing, that's just commenting with a score.

faster faster! die!!

high-paced without becoming overbearing or annoying, very dynamic piece thats great for purposeful action moods

its nice and relaxing

its nice, im not sure if its DnB, but i give u a 5/5 ;)


turn down the piano and turn up your drums. you should work with some FX to liven up your track to because it sounds like this is completely untouched. this song is only about halfway finished.